As an active military member, you juggle numerous responsibilities, and tax planning may not always be on your mind. However, understanding the intricacies of tax extensions during deployment is crucial for maintaining financial stability. As your trusted Benefits Specialist, AFBN is here to guide you through the process and help you make the most of your extensions and benefits; find an advisor today! Explore automatic tax extensions when deployed and how they can benefit you as military personnel. 

Understanding Tax Extensions

Tax extensions provide individuals with additional time to file their tax returns beyond the traditional deadline. Automatic tax extension, in particular, grants you extra time without needing formal or other paperwork or requests. Tax extensions are especially important for military personnel deployed on active duty as they offer flexibility to ensure tax obligations are met despite the unique challenges of deployment. 

Automatic Tax Extensions for Deployed Military Personnel

Thanks to the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA), deployed military members are eligible for automatic tax extensions. This provision recognizes the constraints service members face and ensures they have ample time to meet their tax obligations. AFBN can help you read the fine print regarding these extensions and the special circumstances you are granted as an active military member. Whether stationed overseas or engaged in combat zones, you can benefit from these extensions. It’s important to note that each tax year and deployment period have specific rules and guidelines, so it’s important to understand your requirements for your particular situation. 

How Automatic Extensions Work

When deployed, automatic tax extensions provide you with additional time to file your tax returns or pay any taxes owed. Typically, the extension duration is 180 days from the date of your return from deployment. This allows you to focus on your mission without the added stress of immediate tax deadlines. To take advantage of the extensions, you must notify the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) about your deployment stats and provide any necessary documentation. An AFBN Benefits Specialist can assist you with IRS documents for a smooth tax filing experience. By fulfilling these requirements, you can ensure that your tax obligations are appropriately addressed within the extended timeframe. 

Consequences of Not Utilizing Automatic Tax Extensions

Failing to utilize automatic tax extensions while deployed can have some serious consequences. If you don’t file for an extension and miss the tax filing deadline, you may face penalties, interest charges, and potential legal issues. It’s crucial to understand that even though you’re deployed, the IRS expects timely compliance with tax obligations. You risk unnecessary financial hardships and legal complications by overlooking the opportunity for an automatic tax extension. Avoid these complications by utilizing AFBN services for active and retired military. 


At AFBN, we understand the unique challenges deployed military personnel face when it comes to tax planning. Our team of financial advisors is well-versed in the intricacies of tax extensions and can assist you in navigating the process. Automatic tax extensions can be invaluable for deployed military service members, offering the necessary flexibility to meet obligations while focusing on your mission. By taking advantage of these extensions, you can avoid penalties and legal issues associated with IRS missed deadlines. As trusted Benefits Specialists, we are committed to helping you navigate the complexities of tax planning during employment.

Contact AFBN today to learn more about how we can assist you in maximizing your benefits while in the service.