Life after active duty can be a rough transition but one of the easiest ways to get involved and get active is to jump into a new job! There are a few hints and tips to consider when it comes to finding a new job or career after active-duty service. We’re here to help you narrow down you’re after active-duty job choices and help you find a fulfilling career outside of the military!
Coming straight from active-duty military service to the civilian job market is a rough transition at the best of times. Much military personnel joined right out of high school and don’t have any previous civilian job experience or may not even have been to college.
Some high-end jobs and career focus less on a college degree and more on experience to secure an entry-level position in the business. But there are just as many that ask for at least a bachelor’s degree to qualify. The biggest question then is: to enter the job market or get a bachelor’s degree.
Many colleges and universities offer programs and support for veterans via program and tuition assistance. The support services typically include career assessment, career transition workshops as well as marketing and networking opportunities.
One of the largest obstacles to getting a bachelor’s degree is often cost. With the GI Bill and other VA benefits, educational expenses related to getting a bachelor’s degree are greatly minimized. You may even be able to get a few steps ahead and earn college credit for your military experience!
Choosing a career
Without lots of civilian experience in the job market, it can be hard to pinpoint a specific career path you might want to pursue. Instead of trying to think about all the different jobs you “might” have done if you hadn’t entered active service, think about the different skills and abilities you homed in the service. Any of these might be pursued further to create a new career path!
Take time to go through all of the different situations and scenarios that you’ve encountered and tackled during your time in active-duty service. Categorize these into a list of themes of things you enjoyed like creative problem solving, teamwork, or leadership. Then you’ll be able to identify themes and narrow down your career choices.
Working with others
Maybe you’re not quite ready to get completely away from the military and active-duty life. There are lots of careers with the Armed Forces Benefits Network that allow you to apply your skills and ideas to a career serving others.
Rather than diving head-first into the civilian world, learn skills, work as a team, and achieve a foundation for starting down your career path. Some of the most popular jobs through AFBN and in the civilian world for former active-duty military personnel are financial advisors, Information security analysts, and management consultants, to name a few!
No matter what career path you choose, there are lots of options for anyone returning from active-duty service! Get started with your next great adventure today!
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