As a military member, you may already have a basic plan laid out for your future. You may be planning to start a family, purchase a home, or shop for a new vehicle. Either way, the best financial plans start with a big picture. With 2017 already in full swing, take the time to reflect on your specific goals, outside of how much they may cost or how limited you may feel your resources are.

Why is the Big Picture so important?

The big picture provides the motivation and the drive to obtain your defined goals and it becomes the basis for generating your customized financial plan. For example, you may envision yourself sitting by a pool in your backyard, a college diploma hanging on your wall and enough savings to provide for your child’s college education. In the short-term, you may envision yourself having enough cash set aside to take a Spring Break vacation with your family while avoiding credit card debt.

Once you’ve defined what your “story” is, write it down. Don’t worry about getting elaborate. Just provide enough details to outline your wants and needs for the short term and through the rest of your life. Take several days to construct your list.

Getting Professional Financial Help with Defining and Reaching your Goals

The Financial Service representatives at AFBN can help you target your goals by evaluating your whole financial picture, then outlining strategies that are tailored to your individual needs and available resources. Start 2017 off on the right foot by reaching out to one of our Service Center locations for help.

A comprehensive financial plan serves as a framework for organizing the pieces of your financial picture. With a financial plan in place, you’ll be better able to focus on your goals and understand what it will take to reach them.

Free Tax Prep and Filing for Active Duty Military

What better way to kick off the new year than with a FREE Tax Prep and Filing by one of our Certified Tax Specialists? We help thousands of military families each year save money on their taxes.

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